The international trade through e-commerce platforms is growing all over the world, and the Spanish companies play an essential role in online selling to any country in the world.
In order for your business to grow at an international level thanks to the e-commerce channel, we must take into account several aspects. First of all, you need to choose the online sales platform which better adapts to your enterprise. And it is essential to consider prices, taxes and duties, market search, customs legislation and restrictions and international logistics.
Which are the best e-commerce platforms for your company? You have two options. Creating a specific website or using a ‘marketplace’ like Amazon, Ebay or Etsy. With the first option you can customise your own e-commerce platform, but it will be more expensive. If you opt for a ‘marketplace’, you will not be able to customise your e-commerce but you access a wider market immediately and virtually without costs. Another advantage of ‘marketplaces’ is the confidence it provides the user to buy online on a web platform like, for example, as Amazon. Why not combine a website with a ‘marketplace’ to give an online, international boost to your business?
Once your e-commerce sales platform has been established, you need to find your market. For this, you should focus on countries where your product is already appealing. Immerse yourself in the features of the selected market: get to know the regulations for deliveries and returns, the best channels to promote your product, local payment methods, etc. Then you have to set the price at which your product will be sold. Bear in mind that exporting entails higher costs: transport, taxes, insurance, etc. Know in advance the costs involved in selling worldwide through an e-commerce platform.
Do not forget about the customs legislation and restrictions. Rely on professionals such as León UP to know the rules of the game in international commerce.
In León UP we would like to help you grow by supporting you with all the required formalities and procedures. Contact us via, call us on 987 875 875 or fill out this form.