Technology has for long been a part of our lives and, as a result, of our work. With this post, from LeónUP we would like to show you 4 indispensable digital tools for your company.


The first of the four indispensable digital tools for your company is perhaps one of the most important. Internet provides enterprises with great benefits, but comparing it to real life, you are also exposed to risks on the net. Protecting the information of your company and creating security systems against cyberspace threats are the Main objectives of cybersecurity. In LeónUP, we devote one of the sessions of our Foro Empresas LeónUP to talk about this issue, you can find further information here. In León, we are honoured to have the National Cybersecurity Institute, which aims to support companies with that mission. Among its materials, INCIBE offers documents as interesting as a cybersecurity catalogue which you can access by clicking on this link.


One of the buzzwords among companies in recent years is Big Data. What do we mean when we talk about Big Data? Big Data is the set of big data characterised by their unconventional volume, velocity and variety. These data sets are not processed with traditional software. Why is it essential for companies to take this into account? Undoubtedly, because of the valuable information it provides. Big Data allow contextualising data from users, suppliers and collaborators in order to draw conclusions and improve the service provided by the company.

Would you like to know which support tools you can opt for if your company is based in León and wish to integrate new technologies into your company? Contact us


Another of the 4 indispensable digital tools for your enterprise is Blockchain. Sick and tired of hearing about this anglicism, from LeónUP we want to tell you what it is about and why your company should rely on it. By using Blockchain you can pay your customers, suppliers and collaborators, etc. without intermediaries, banks or virtual platforms like PayPal. This chain of blocks is a ledger in which the security and privacy of your transactions are the number one priority. Additionally, Blockchain not only permits to record financial transactions, but also guarantees that every valuable element you want to include from the company is recorded.


Forget paper and pen. The last of the four indispensable digital tools for your company  deals with the management of projects by means of online applications such as Trello, Basecamp, Asana… Speeding up the development of projects in your company is the goal of these tools. You can also take advantage of these project managers to cut costs and increase productivity. These tools allow you to have full control over the project: what to do, what is already done, when it is due to be delivered, who is in charge of managing each part of the project, etc. This advantage especially helps projects in which several people are involved.

Would you like to know which support tools you can opt for if your company is based in León and wish to integrate new technologies into your company? Contact us here or call us on +34 987 875 875.

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