From León UP we would like to provide you with useful data to bring your company to León and start working here.  

  • Location -> The city enjoys a privileged location in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, with easy access to other autonomous communities like Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country, Madrid and the North of Portugal. The nearest beach is less than two hours driving. Moreover, León province has 7 Biosphere reserves, as you can read on our post ‘Did you know León is the territory with the highest concentration of Biosphere Reserves in the world?’
  • Communication -> As for roads, León has become key for road connections in the north-western area of Spain with the rest of the country. Furthermore, the railway system allows you to reach Madrid in two hours and you can get to Barcelona in one hour by plane. León has also been included recently in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Rail Corridors, with options to join the European programme Connecting Europe Facility or CEF.
  • Education -> As regards education, Castilla y León has been recognised by the PISA report as the Autonomous Community with the best results achieved. At a national level, the community is above Navarra, Madrid and Cataluña. If Castilla y León were a state, it will be the seventh state in the world in educational quality. You can read more on education in Castilla y León on one of our previous posts ‘Castilla y León, the Autonomous Community with the best results in the latest PIS report’.
  • Leisure -> León stands out for its quality of life, being one of the best cities to live in Spain, and its available cultural activities play an important role in this. There exists a long-standing leisure culture around the city’s delicious gastronomy. It has a great number of bars and restaurants in old quarters full of charm.
  • Health Service -> León has a University Health Centre Complex holding up to 800 beds, over 20 specialisations and nearly 20 surgical services. Moreover, the city enjoys several private health centres such as ciudad the Hospital San Juan de Dios, the HM Regla, the Hospital HM San Francisco or the Altollano clinic.
  • If these five reasons are not enough for you, please contact us.  In León UP we help people new in the city with every aspect of their ‘move’, both in the professional and the personal field. Call us on 987 875 875, write an email to or fill out the form below.